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Engineering is the application of science to the development of structures, machines, and systems, built and operated to solve human problems. Engineers find creative solutions that are cost-effective and sustainable. During MASTER engineering sessions, students will explore fields of engineering and engineering technology, and learn basic skills in computer graphics and coding.



"I hope students enjoy the engineering project, and I can't wait to see what inventive solutions they create!"

"Screenshot of a game I created last year for my computer science class." - Emiyare

Week 1

In the first week, we'll briefly introduce fields of engineering, including chemical, civil, electrical, computer, industrial, and mechanical engineering. We'll then explore several modern-day examples of cutting-edge engineering. In addition to the cutting edge, we'll also consider the contributions of engineering to our everyday lives.

Week 2

In the second week, students will learn about different types and tools of 2D graphics. We'll then look at uses of computer graphics outside of entertainment. They'll also create an image of their choice using the ideas discussed.

Week 3

In the third week, we'll show how natural science principles are utilized in specific applications of engineering. Students will design a simple solution to an engineering problem.

Week 4

In the fourth week, we'll discuss fundamental principles of coding, like variables, loops, conditions, and objects. Students will use these ideas to create an algorithmic plan for a coding task. We'll also talk about the breadth of advanced coding, from security to self-driving cars and neural networks.


"A beautiful image I made for fun earlier this year as a computer graphics project." - Emiyare

Course Instructors 


Emiyare Ikwut-Ukwa

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